Marisa Saenz

Being a self-taught artist since age eight, the majority artist skills include photography, digital media, drawing, painting, perspective, 3D, and color theory. The different forms of artistic mediums I enjoy working with are a paper and pen, however lately I am exploring other aspects of the 3D art realm, including beads, buttons, yarn, and even food!
Art has always been a big part of my life, so getting an education is important in the field; I am working on a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts at the University of Reno. 
In my downtime, is when I work on art. Currently I have some pieces at CCAI “Fresh Outlook 2024”, which runs until August 15th and eight canvas pieces at FitzHenrys Funeral Home in Carson City, Nv. 
For more information about works please see @myartkreations or email