August 1, 2016 – September 9, 2016
- Best of Show “Turmoil” by Pamela Sauer
- First Place”Ventilation” by Bob Hickox
- 2nd Place San Xavier Mission by Kristy Dial
- 3rd Place: “Two Tone Barn” by Michael Black
- Honorable Mention “Color of Morning” by Fred Howland
- Honorable Mention “Hold onto your Hat” by Jim Shafer
Peoples Choice: From the “Spirit of America” Show “Morning Sunshine”by Alice Winslow
Please read the definitions below for a little more insight.
Is it photography or digital art? The executive board of the NAA will be using the following definitions to determine whether an art piece should be classified as photography or digital art.
Photography: Photographic image (s) captured by the artist. May be digitally enhanced but no digital generated images or renderings, digital painting, or images not taken by the artist.
By this definition an artist would be able to combine images in photography, use Photoshop, enhance, or change a photograph, but would not be able to use digital non-photographic images or renderings.
Digital art: Digital Art is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an essential part of the creative presentation process. It is typically a compilation of multiple photographs, sophisticated photo collages brought together and enhanced through a wide range of techniques. The images used in the composition do not necessarily have to be created by the artist; however the artist must have permission to use images in the composition.